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Letter from the Publisher, Issue 7

John Winning
Winning Magazine's publisher John Winning on the print publication's seventh issue, and its theme of kindness.
John Winning, Publisher of Winning Magazine
John Winning

While the pandemic has undoubtedly changed the world, our opportunity, I believe, is to reshape what lies ahead — and kindness is key to that.

In this issue of “Winning”, we explore kindness in all of its forms. How simple acts, from our daily rituals of eating, to how we create our home environments; from what we wear, to where and how we travel, can have a collective impact.

I am incredibly passionate about helping to create a happier society and inspiring people to use the ecosystems they have as a force for good.

This month an important summit, Human Kind, will make its global debut in Sydney on March 16 to 18. Human Kind brings together industry leaders and changemakers in one place with one idea in mind: to reshape our collective future.

I hope you enjoy reading this issue and are inspired to extend kindness into your home, your communities and your experiences.

This is an extract from an article that appears in print in our seventh edition, Page 12 of Winning Magazine. Subscribe to Winning Magazine today.


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